Multiple Estates under One Roof
518 7th Ave
Hendersonville, NC 28792
Friday, 2/5/21 9-2pm
Saturday, 2/6/21 9-2pm
We are back on 7th Ave first our first sale of 2021. This sale features furniture, original art, pottery, and more. Please see the photos for details.
Furniture: 2 sets of Woody chairs - handcrafted by Southern Highland Artist from Burnsville, oak chests, oak dressers, aqua painted dressers, MCM bar, MCM hutch, lamps, side tables, steamer trunks, dining chairs, armoires, etc
Glassware/China: Pyrex, Fiesta dishes, several sets of China, cut glass, pressed glass, Victorian figurines, hand blown glass, etc
Misc: Large collection of NC pottery, crocks, face jugs, vintage games, costume jewelry, baskets, paperweights, original art: oils, acrylic, Japanese block prints, several listed artists, etc
Please do not park at the yellow building across the street.
Note: We reserve the right to open early due to weather, crowd size or parking concerns. Thank you.
We will be passing out numbers to limit the number of people at the sale.
We request that you wear a mask and be aware of others around you.
There will be hand sanitizer throughout the sale.
We reserve the right to open early due to crowd size, weather or parking concerns.
Thank you.